A New 2016

January 08, 2016

Hello, hi. I’m starting over this blog again (for the tenth time). I know, I know. I’m not promising any consistent posting. In fact, I’ve agreed with my inner self that I’m going to pace myself and give myself sufficient breaks. I have a feeling that this blog will have the same fate of a new years resolution of not eating pizza. It may last 8 hours. 

I can’t remember the last time I’ve made a personal post. Maybe a year ago? It feels like my blog and social media is just a giant jumble of pictures of other people. Which is great because I love all those people, but I sort of want to document more of my husband, our kitty and our life. I’ve learned some make up, fitness and food tips in the last year too, so maybe this blog will have a little bit of that. Maybe some graphic design too, or watercoloring. Maybe some life updates or The Bachelor recaps. Maybe just a lot of cat pictures. IDK, GUYS!!!!!! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!

I’m keeping some photography posts, because it makes me really sad to have an entirely bare blog. 

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4 thoughts

  1. I love that you are back at blogging!!! I've missed your more personal posts and update! :)

  2. Thank you! I'm excited to be back at it and I'm excited to read yours!

  3. Yay!! I'm happy you're back! I hope it lasts longer than 8 hours haha! I'm looking forward to more posts xx

    1. Thank you!! I've been in the blogging coma so it will probably take me awhile to pick up the groove. Right now all I can think about is "what in the world do people blog about? I don't even know anymore." But give it a few weeks (maybe months) and I'll be back at it!


