Month of January has been so fun but so stressful at the same time. Last year was not our year, especially not MY year, so I was so happy to get going with a fresh new year. We just faced a lot of financial trials, hard times with my work, a death in my family. I went through switching jobs 4 times in one month!!! 4!! Because none of them felt quite right and didn't turn out what I wanted or expected.. Talk about embarrassing...
Anyway, this year feels like we are finally making progress with Jeremy's school. I'm grateful for the ambition he has and for his willingness to do what is best for our little family. However his career choice feels like a never ending, VERY LONG road. When we first started getting serious it felt like we will never get to dental school and like we will be spending all of our twenties worrying about school, barely doing anything fun, counting pennies (and busting our butts all day at work just so we can spend it all on school! GRRR). One of those things is still true hah. Sometimes I look at other couples doing fun things at our age and I'm like UGH WHY DOES SCHOOL HAVE TO SUCK ALL OF OUR MONEY AWAY WHYYYY. This year Jeremy will finally be applying and we might even know where he will be going to dental school by the end of the year. We have talked about this moment for sooo long and I know it feels like such a great accomplishment (and relief) to him that it is finally happening. I'm just so proud, guys. So proud.
Despite Jeremy being gone from 8am to 11pm most days (I'm being 100% serious right now *insert big eye emoji*) we were able to fit a few date nights in our schedule. Being able to spend so little time with each other makes you feel so appreciative for the little time that we do have so we try to make the best of it. We usually try to do a double, a group date (or just a hang out with our friends) at least once a week and then fit in a date with just the two of us. Sometimes it's just as simple as meeting each other for lunch in between all the work and school.
Also, my BFF got engaged and is getting married in a few months. AHH SO EXCITING I CAN'T EVEN GJDSLIGJDSIJGDS. I know, I've been like annoyingly texting her about her wedding like almost every day but I just can't help it!! SO PSA, I'm sorry for being so obnoxious, BAEley.
I also got a work from home position that I will be starting in a week or so. My new job is very flexible with school schedules so Jeremy and I have even debated about me taking some classes. Since I have an Associate's it would be easier to finish up my Bachelor's. I'm very excited but sort of nervous about the stay at home position. I don't know if I'm going to miss human, face-to-face interaction but I'm also excited to hang out with my cat all day haha. Please be my friend outside of work hours so I don't go crazy. Please..?
Also, look how cute my sister is with her boyfran. We went out to lunch with them and she asked me to snap a couple of pictures of her afterwards. They're great fun.
Anyway, my goal is to do little updates like this every month. I really want to be able to be go back and read about what we were experiencing at certain points in our lives. I'll make it less 'wordy' and more 'picture-y' next time. Mmmk, bye.